Your donations help provide services to those who otherwise would have no access to care. Whatever your contribution is, (be it time, energy, or financial) we thank you for your help to heal our community.
Make A Donation Online
Online donations can be made easily and securely through PayPal, making an account is not required. Just click the blue donate button below and you'll be taken to the page to make your donation.
Mailing Donations
To make donation by mail, send to our address:
Friendship Medical Clinic & Pharmacy
1396 Highway 544
Conway, SC 29526

Friendship Medical Clinic, Inc. is an IRS 501(c )(3) nonprofit organization.
All mailed donations will receive a donation receipt letter for tax purposes.
In 2007 Friendship Medical Clinic & Pharmacy, was recognized by the Secretary of State, as being in the top 10 nonprofits in the state of South Carolina as 94.2% of its total expenses was devoted to program services.
This recognition can only be obtained once.